
Friday, July 22, 2011

Field Trip to the Hatcher Family Dairy Farm

The school age children took a trip to the Hatcher Family Dairy Farm and it was a blast.
It was a hot day but that did not stop us from having fun!
We learned about milking cows, making butter,a  cows lifespan, how to take care of cows, and so much more.  Farming is not easy but it sure is fun!

 Ms. Carmen was the biggest kid on the the field trip.
 We even had fun while we waited for our tour!
 Mrs. Hatcher gave us an awesome tour and taught us so much.
She is a fourth generation farmer at her family farm.
 These are the "high school cow" as Mrs. Hatcher called them.
They are best friends and were eating together.
We learned that they will stay friends throughout their life on the farm.
 This cow is 14 years old and just had her 12th and last baby.
Most cows only live to be six or seven.
A few of the children were about to try and milk her and they all were about to pet her.
She was very sweet.

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