
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mr. Bond the Science Guy!

Mr. Bond the Science Guy came to visit us!
He taught us about Science, Rockets, Lasers, Dry Ice, and so much more.
All the children from toddlers to school age LOVED it!

Everyone set so nicely waiting for the show to start.
 We learned about laser and why we can see them in the fog machine.
 Some of the school agers helped Mr. Bond make a rocket.
 CJ was the biggest fan of the rocket! 
 He wanted to touch it and clapped after each time.

 The helpers got to have some extra fun!
They passed the bubbles around for all the kids to touch and play with.

 The Toddlers thought it was so cool getting inside the giant ball.

 Silly Mr. Bond was drinking water with dry ice.

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